Sunday, December 2, 2012

How Would Using an Interior Architect Benefit Me?

Regardless of the need, an interior architect might just have the solution for you. From solving your spatial problems to turning your dreams into a reality, these specialists have the knowledge, skills, and resources to achieve your design goals on time and on budget!

An interior architect will research the project through an in-depth analysis of your needs and activities along with the given space. They work with engineers, contractors, and consultants to determine service requirements and develop a plan that incorporates future growth potential and new technologies. Design, development, specification and documentation are all parts of the interior architecture process that precede the costing and construction of any project. Supervising construction and regularly communicating with the builders and contractors is also important. Ultimately, interior architecture takes into account the anticipated behavioral activities of a client to create an intentional psychological experience through planning and design. But are you sure that you can handle all of that? If you were planning on handling your own renovations, you might wish to find out how an interior architect might benefit you before engaging in what could be an overwhelming and costly process.

Whether you are renovating your loft to create a spare bedroom for guests, engaging in property upgrades to increase rental income or renovating an old property to start a new business, an interior architect will be able to design a plan that will benefit the project from start to finish. But is hiring an interior architect an unnecessary expense or a worthwhile investment? With tight budgets and limited resources, you're probably wondering if an interior architect is the right choice for you. Let's review some considerations to see how using a specialist of this nature can benefit you.


As humans, we typically know what we want and what we like. Design and lifestyle is uniquely personal and we all aspire to live and work in environments that reflect our personalities. Interior architects are trained and qualified in their fields to articulate your vision into an actual design and plan. In addition to having access to industry contacts and product information which is not readily available to the general public, they possess knowledge about the effect of proportions, dimensions, perspectives, surfaces, textures and colours not only on a structure itself but on our physical and emotional reactions to that structure. It is these very fundamental elements of design that can turn a house into a home or an office into an energized and motivational environment. The specialized and in-depth knowledge interior architects possess can assist you with your design needs and analyzing your requirements, assessing the feasibility of projects, and ultimately defining and realizing your goals.

Time & Financial Resources

Whether a project is residential or commercial, it can be a significant financial investment and the process can be time consuming. Mistakes are costly and the impact of both financial pressure and time constraints can turn what should be an enjoyable experience into an absolute nightmare. But an interior architect can design a plan based on your needs and budget making any project affordable. Typically, most people are unaware of the various ways that interior architects can actually save them money. For example, many interior architects possess the added skill of being able to source items at wholesale prices, and also have access to a much wider variety of products that are generally not available to the public. For the time deprived home or business owner, this represents an incredible added value. The other important consideration is that mistakes are costly. Many people engage in major renovations only to later realize that one or several key aspects of the space simply don't work well together. This results in a substantial amount of money that must be spent again trying to rectify the problem in order to finally turn your dream into a reality.

Doing Things Right the First Time

With an interior architect, you pay them to get things right the first time and eliminate any margin of error which is exactly what they are trained to do. It's a simple case of pay now or pay later. When you work with an interior architect from the inception of a project, you are best equipped to ensure that your home, office, or business achieves the spatial, visual, and decoration requirements in order to move right in. It is always important to remember that interior architects are experts in space, technical design and drafting and it is these skills that save you money in the long run by making sure that you get the space that you have always wanted right from the very start. Interior architects can alleviate the pressure of costly mistakes to create a design and source the materials and products, which deliver the desired outcome. They have the ability to create a design which you simply couldn't have comprehended by yourself but which you will absolutely love. They can source materials that you didn't even know were on the market but are perfectly suited to your project. Furthermore, they can ensure that the design and orientation of the space will produce energy efficiencies, the dimensions of the rooms suit their purpose, and that life overall is as efficient as possible. The time and cost savings which these initiatives deliver is considerable.

Managing Contractors and Builders

With any construction project comes the need for contractors and builders. An interior architect will produce comprehensive architectural drawings and specifications that will maximize the prospect of your builder and sub-contractors completing your project without error, without the need for variations, on time and most importantly, on budget. In addition to being skilled in developing designs, an interior architect will be able to produce the technical drawings required to sufficiently explain the design to a builder along with the necessary communication skills and experience to be able to coordinate all of the people required from inception through to the completion of the project. Furthermore, your interior architect will be able to source materials and products at wholesale prices.

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How Do I Find a Good Interior Architect?

So you finally decided that you want to employ an interior architect to turn your interior dream into a reality? But with all of the varying degrees of skills, experience and knowledge required, how could you possibly know if you found the right one? These specialists often challenged with a certain task when asked to design an interior space for a commercial, retail, or residential client. A retailer may ask to design a space that fosters consumer spending while a commercial client may ask to design a space that promotes workplace productivity. Whatever the task at hand, a successful project relies on selecting the right interior architect. Let`s review some of the considerations in order to help you match the right professional to the right project.


Since an interior architect is the marriage of the three different design disciplines of interior design, architecture, and industrial design, knowledge is a critical asset. Let`s start with the basics. Be sure to check on the education credentials, along with their years of experience. Most interior architects will possess at least a bachelor`s degree in interior architecture.

Licensures & Accreditation

In addition to their base knowledge of general architecture, interior design, and product design, it is imperative that the designer is abreast of current design trends, planning and building regulations. You can check with your Local Authority Building Control department to determine if they are working with an interior architect within their partnership scheme. This may assist in determining whether your chosen interior architect is up to date on knowledge of local building regulations. In certain jurisdictions, an interior architect may be able to become certified by a national or regional organization that is dedicated to the industry or profession.

A Good Sense of Design

This category might be too obvious to mention but certainly not one to overlook. They must have an understanding of how space, scale, colours, and furnishings can alter an interior environment. They must know how to manipulate these elements to create a specific mood. The theoretical and conceptual possibilities are explored within interior architecture, in cooperation with the pragmatic concerns of clients, to create innovative, meaningful spaces that facilitate the ordinary and extraordinary activities of people at home, work, or play. A great project starts with a great concept and a good sense of design is critical to achieving this goal. Evaluate your designer`s portfolio and past projects. This will be your best way of determining their design ability.


Many interior architects will carry a specialty either in residential or commercial buildings. Their portfolio and past project history will be a strong indicator of their specialization. Some may specialize in niches such as theatres, retail spaces, exhibition halls, or other types of buildings. Be sure to select a professional that is experienced with your particular project. Regardless of their specialization, good interior architects should have a solid working knowledge of interior construction, building systems and components, regulations, equipment, materials and furnishings. They should also be acquainted with the technicalities of electrical wiring and plumbing.

Project Management & Communication Skills

They must have strong written, oral, and visual communication skills. They must visually interpret verbal instructions and suggestions. Furthermore, they must be creative within the constraints of a budget. This is particularly important in preventing cost overruns. Look for someone with a team-oriented attitude, an attention to detail and an ability to meet deadlines. Projects are generally undertaken in collaboration with a team of specialist architects, engineers, and consultants to manage and coordinate a client`s needs. An interior architect needs to be able to coordinate with these professionals in order to facilitate and maximize a productive working relationship. Being able to explain design ideas clearly to all parties and to solve problems effectively and efficiently will ensure a seamless execution of any project.

These are just some of the various aspects to consider when selecting the right interior architect for you. You will find these specialists in a variety of firms, companies and agencies. Most work in small architectural firms, though some work for commercial building companies or government agencies. Some will work alongside architects or construction companies on a contract basis. Others will collaborate as part of a team of production designers in an architectural firm`s production studio.

If you have reviewed all of the various considerations and still don`t have a candidate that stands above the rest, don`t forget to request references and contact past clients for their opinions and recommendations. Often contacting someone who has already been through a similar process can assist you in finding the right match for you without making the same mistakes they did. Alternatively, going with your gut might just be the defining factor. Trust is arguably the most important variable of selecting your interior architect. If most of your candidates appear the same on paper, you might feel more comfortable selecting the candidate that you trust the most and find the most personal rapport. After all, they are designing your dream, and the person most qualified to articulate your dream in a design might just be the person who identifies with you the most.

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Reasons To De-Clutter

5 Reasons to De-Clutter Before You List Your Home for Sale

If you think you can go through and get rid of all that clutter when it comes time to pack up and move out of your home, think again. Before you list your home for sale, you've got to make de-cluttering a priority.

Here's why:

1. You need to show off your home's natural beauty

Your house has its own character, personality, and beautiful features. If you want to sell your home sooner rather than later, you have to make sure that potential buyers get to see all of them.

If, for example, you've got an awesome wooden fireplace in your living room that really adds a unique character to the entire house, show it off! But if you've got a ton of family pictures sitting on the mantle or a ton of knick-knacks around it, potential buyers are going to be distracted -- and that's the last thing you want!

2. Clutter makes your home look smaller

If your master bedroom has random stuff shoved into every nook and cranny, it's going to create a major optical illusion. By covering up all of that floor and wall space, you're making the room look a whole lot smaller than it really is -- and that's a big problem.

Remember, American homebuyers don't have as much money as they did a few years ago. In fact, recent studies show that the average American has lost 40% of his net worth since the recession began. As a result, many homebuyers are trying to do more with less. Instead of buying that giant (expensive) house, they're looking at more affordable (smaller) options. As a result, they want to make the most out of every single inch.

Bottom line -- you're doing your home a real disservice if you make it look smaller than it really is. In the end, you'll wind up with a lot of people passing on it!

3. People want to see storage space

As excited as potential buyers might be about your great backyard, your updated master bathroom, or your gourmet kitchen, they also want to know that your home offers a ton of space for all their stuff. Prepare for them to dig around in closets, in your basement, in your garage, and in your attic.

Unfortunately, if all those places are jammed full of stuff, potential buyers may not be able to tell how much storage space your home really has to offer. If they think there's any possibility they're going to be cramped if they move in, they're never going to buy.

4. You may not even see it -- but potential buyers will

If you've had that pile of shoes and umbrellas sitting by your front door for the past five years, you probably don't even notice them anymore. However, everyone who walks in to tour your house will! Something as minor as a cluttered foyer can make a poor first impression. And once potential buyers have even a remotely bad feeling about your home, it's tough to get them back!

5. Clutter makes the house yours -- not theirs

Remember, your goal is to make potential buyers feel like they can call your house "home". But if you've got clutter all over the place -- like magazines, personal trinkets, and even messy computer or TV wires -- it makes the home feel distinctly yours. Potential buyers will feel like they're walking through your personal space, instead of envisioning themselves living there.

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Measured Building Survey: For Better Property Management

Property surveys have today become an integral part of the steps taken towards better asset management and find varied applications in the construction industry. Getting a survey done prior to investing in land can help you to avoid a lot of troubles in the future. Not only do they reduce the risk of future expenditure, but they also help you to know in advance the limitations of the property. Apart from the property surveys, you can also look into various other associated aspects of the property such as environmental certification, zoning opinion letter, floodplain classification, etc.

A typical measured building survey generally includes floor plans, elevations, sections, photo imaging and 3D models of the property. Visible as well as invisible structural elements are vividly depicted in the results. Properties ranging from small standalone buildings to large commercial and industrial establishments can be accurately surveyed by an efficient measured building surveyor. Interpretation of survey data can be complex if a lot of details are included; otherwise they are fairly simple for people to understand and follow.

Laser surveying has also become extremely popular nowadays due to its ability to provide greater precision and details in survey results. Laser scanning surveying offers a great platform to capture the intricate details of a site including measurements, dimensions and even colour. It can help generate an accurate 3D model of virtually any structure in a very short amount of time. The output imagery can be presented in various forms, ranging from simple 'Point Clouds' to full 3D models. The clarity with which the utility lines, access points, telephone or electricity wiring, etc. can be determined empowers people to make better choices and decisions.

When it comes to looking for survey services, it is important to consider the accreditation of the service providers so that you can completely rely on them and avoid costly and time consuming mistakes. A proven track record of successful completion of projects is generally a fair indicator of their efficiency and reliability. They should be able to provide a fast turnaround time for generating the survey results and should be cost and time efficient so that clients realise their moneys worth. Purchasing or renovating a property is one of the biggest investments made by an individual or company; hence it is advisable that one should not overlook or ignore the necessity of surveys as this factor can be critical to success and peace in the future.

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Extensions for Listed Buildings

Though buildings may be listed in full, it is still possible to add an extension on the condition that you retain or add era-appropriate features and follow the listed guidelines when doing so. The main reason for this is so the addition to your home looks great not only in terms of design but also in style. There are 3 types of listed buildings and are split into the following:

Grade II - These are special interest buildings and most likely lived in by homeowners - these make up 92% of all listed buildings.

Grade II* - These are buildings of more than special interest - 5.5% of listed buildings. Grade I - Buildings of International Interest - around 2.5% of listed buildings.

It's important to note that these rules are subject to criminal law and not planning law as many people think. However, an extension or partial demolition is not out of the question, and planning permission for a conservatory or orangery is not as hard to get as you may think.

Architectural Considerations Some of the most common and also most suited extensions consist of modern architectural takes on the classical architecture of the past. Many 17th and 18th century homes looking to extend often find that a classical orangery fits in wonderfully with their homes.

Of course, one of the other important considerations is to ensure that you are using materials for your new conservatory or orangery extension that are in keeping with the original building. This can be part of the criteria for obtaining permission and in most cases; bricks or stonework must match the original building. This is where it is important to choose a conservatory or orangery company with extensive experience in dealing with extensions for grade listed buildings, as they will make sure any brick or stonework will match.

This may often be a little expensive, but depending on the project and if your building is Grade I or II listed there may be grants available to assist you with the refurbishment, though these are rarely available.

Local Authorities Sometimes you will even see local authorities issue repair notices on buildings that have fallen into disrepair. This is an obligatory repair and means that the building must be repaired at the owner's expense, though as said before grants are available under certain but very rare circumstances.

Generally, there are a number of things you will need to get consent for when making a change to a home and this includes modifying or changing windows, painting over brickwork, adding aerials and satellites, changing the roofing materials and adding or altering staircases and fireplaces. All of these and more are considered to be very important features of the original home and must not be changed or altered in any way at all without prior consent.

One of the best ways to ensure that your home will meet these standards is to use an architect to help you out. They will be aware of the regulations and be able to point you in the correct direction, allowing you preservation and a new extension, whether it is an orangery or otherwise.

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3 Things You Must Know Before Building A Granny Flat In Your Backyard

Granny flats are a wonderful addition to any existing property, particularly if you want extra room around the home, somewhere for your kids or folks to live, or an easy investment property. This fully self contained home extension is built on the same plot of land that your main home is and can share the backyard area or you can fence a section off in your yard. If you are thinking of adding this smaller home on your property, it is best to spend some time doing research to avoid some of the common pitfalls. Importantly, there are three things you must know before building a granny flat in your backyard, and the following tips will help you along your way.

1. Can I put one in my backyard?

This is a common question and there is not a lot of information out there that helps you understand what is involved. When building a granny flat you first need to check that you have enough space for the unit to fit in your backyard. Measure up the area you are intending on building, draw a sketch, measure from all the boundaries (fences, pools, house, trees) and mark this down. Although this seems like a complex process, it will make life a lot easier later on when choosing your flat design. Keep in mind too that councils have certain regulations when it comes to building a granny flat, which leads to our next tip.

2. Council Regulations

There are separate building and planning regulations when building a granny flat in your backyard. All councils in Victoria have different regulations as there are different overlays on everyone's property so it is best if you call or visit your own council, you will need to speak with both the building department and planning department. Building departments are more about the structure (the unit needs to meet all building code and Australian Standards) and the positioning of the actual flat is why a building permit is required. The planning department is more about overlays (heritage, wildfire etc) and will issue a planning permit if required. As building permits are a requirement for all granny flats in Melbourne they should automatically have this service in the finish price of your flat, however town planning is not required for all, so this will not be included in the price but the company you go with should also be able to offer this service.

3. Choosing a Company

So you now know that you can start looking for someone to start building a granny flat in your backyard, but who? Start by looking at designs that suit your needs, some companies will let you design your own unit if you cannot find what you are after. When looking at plans, look for simple layouts, the simpler the design the more affordable it will be, make sure you have enough space in the rooms and work through the list to find that it includes everything that you need. You might even consider looking at building a smaller home yourself or find a company that also sells kit granny flats as these will be prefab and will save on cost. When it comes to prices make sure that the building permit, home warranty insurance, plans and specification as well as the unit and installation are all included in your granny flat price.

As you can see there are a few logistics that need to be sorted before you start building a granny flat, however if you bear in mind these three tips then the process should be rather easy. These self contained homes come in many different designs and can be interior decorated any way you like, giving you complete freedom to use whatever colours, finishes and materials you like. Whilst granny flats are well suited to ageing people (parents and grandparents), they are incredibly versatile as a home - whether it's as a teenage retreat, which you can one day rent out and make extra income from, the opportunities are endless.

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Modern Vs Traditional Conservatories

Choosing a conservatory is all about personal taste and is often determined by the architecture of your home. However, one of the most fundamental decisions is based around whether you wish to have a traditional or a contemporary conservatory.

Georgian, Edwardian and Victorian conservatories have a classic appeal that for many people still hold a significant sense of attractiveness. More modern, contemporary conservatories offer a different aesthetic and are often simpler and less ornate than the classic styles of conservatory, but have their benefits too.

Mod Cons

First thing's first, there is no difference between the traditional conservatory and the modern one in terms of materials used, energy efficiency or anything else related to mod cons. Both styles of conservatories are increasingly efficient and there is little in the way of difference in technological terms.

For instance, either style of conservatory can take advantage of glazed glass, under-floor heating and anything else you can think of. This leaves it down to the style as the main differentiator for those choosing a conservatory.

Consider the Building

However, this is not the case for the physical product. Certain conservatories will not work with certain types of homes. For instance, a traditional Victorian conservatory may not work with a contemporary home with an inclination towards a more minimalist style.

Similarly, modern conservatories will probably not work with classic-style homes and may look a little lost in the architecture. As we mentioned previously, certain conservatories fit in with particular tastes.

In addition, certain mechanisms will also not work well with certain styles of conservatory. For example, traditional designs will not work well with modern finishings such as bi-folding doors, which are a relatively modern mechanism. So make sure those small touches are still in keeping with the style, French doors would be much better suited.

Other Concerns

One of the other differences between both styles is that the traditional conservatory can sometimes place their traditional shape above the most efficient use of space. For example a 3 facet Victorian conservatory has a traditional shape which it sticks to, even if it's not the best use of space for your property. Modern conservatories are more practical in this manner and are able to offer more room whilst using the same area of building space. This is because the style of many modern conservatories can be tinkered with and they are more inclined to take the modern home and its size concerns into account.

There is no clear cut answer over which is better or which should be your choice. Traditional and modern conservatories both have their own benefits and negatives and it's up to the potential buyer (and the style of their home) to decide which is best suited.

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Top 4 Things You Should Know When Looking for Granny Flat Designs

If you are looking for extra room or space, then granny flats are a very economical and easy to maintain alternative dwelling. There are many different designs on the market, so before you settle on your granny flat, read on to find out the Top 4 Things You Should Know When Looking for Granny Flat Designs for your backyard.

1. Room Sizes

Make sure you are aware of the size of each room in the granny flat. If the design you have chosen is not on display then ask the company to write the sizes of each room on the design. This is extremely important as there is no point building the extra dwelling to then find out that your bed will not fit in the bedroom or the TV unit won't fit in your lounge area.

There are many drawing programs (such as Google sketch) that you can draw the layout and size of the granny flat, along with detailing room sizes. I would recommend you measure your furniture and place this in the rooms also. Alternatively, you can measure the unit in your backyard to get a feel for the size.

2. Plumbing

Plumbing can be expensive so we suggest that having the kitchen, bathrooms and laundry close together is more cost effective then having a granny flat design that has them spaced out. It is important to note that they all need to come to one point in the unit in the end, so therefore the closer they are, the cheaper it will be. When positioning your granny flat in your backyard look for where your sewerage and water pipes are as the unit needs to be plumbed to these, and again the closer they are the more cost effective it will be. If you can't locate your pipes you can always visit dial before you dig on the web or call them and they will send you out the information of where all your pipes should be located. This is a very helpful and necessary service to make sure this process goes smoothly.

3. Light - Windows

It used to be that the more light you let in the better and happier you feel. Since all granny flat designs now need a 6 star energy rating, it does make a difference as to how many lights you have, along with the sizes and positioning of the windows. Where you position your granny flat on your block of land also contributes to this. When choosing your design keep in mind where the windows are located, as well as the climate of where you live. Remember if you want a lot of windows they might need to be double glazed.

4. Colours

There are normally so many things that you need to choose colours for, so my best advice is to keep it simple. Blend in with your surroundings, make sure windows, roof and cladding colours all blend. You might want to resell this unit one day and it's easier to sell natural colours then bold colours. Internally keep this natural; walls, carpet and tiles should all blend the same with the kitchen and make sure that this also is going to fit in with your current colour scheme. Lastly, think about the furniture that you might be moving into your unit and make sure this flows through with your chosen colour scheme.

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How to Keep Your Conservatory Secure

Conservatory security is something that often comes up as a topic when people consider purchasing one of these glass covered extensions. People often wonder how hard it would be for a burglar to break into a conservatory or orangery and then into the home. However, aside from the precautions you take when you leave your home, there are also a number of other additions that can keep your conservatory secure.

Safety Glass Safety glass or extra toughened glass is a lot harder to break than traditional double glazing and so is an extra form of defence against any burglars. Safety glass is created to be impact resistant and if it does shatter it is designed to fragment into tiny pieces of glass that will not harm anyone - a lot safer than traditional glass which will break into shards. This glass is particularly important on the roof of the conservatory.

Beaded Glass should also be beaded internally; otherwise it is hypothetically possible to remove the panes from the outside. All conservatory glass should come with this option.

Locking Your conservatory or orangery will be fitted with at least one door. Always ensure that all doors come with a multi-point locking system as this will ensure that they are robust and safer. Windows should also be fitted with a shoot mechanism as this will also prevent the likelihood of them being compromised. These mechanisms push bolts into the window itself and so strengthen the frame, ensuring it won't be opened when it is not supposed to. In addition force resistant hinges should also be included on doors and windows as standard to reduce the risk of damage from break-ins.

Awareness There is no substitute for your own awareness and the precautions you take when you leave your home vacant. Conservatory owners should always remember to look around their home for potential open windows or doors.

In many homes, conservatories are accessible through either an external door from the garden, or an internal door that separates the extension from the rest of the household. These should both be locked in order to limit the breach to the conservatory. If the back door is locked this decreases the amount of time the burglar has to get into the main part of the home and can benefit you immensely if such an occurrence comes about.

Burglar alarms are also a benefit and a visible deterrent. However, there is little substitute for staying alert and being extra careful. This awareness can be the most important deterrent and allows you to prevent rather than have to cure such a problem.

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Do Display Homes Really Reflect The Experience Of The Builders Who'll Be Building Your Home?

In the vast majority of cases, property developers who are about to sell a number of house and land packages start off by building one or more display homes. These homes are often furnished as well so that prospective buyers can see what their future home could look like by the time they move in. The big question is however, do these homes really reflect the expertise of the builders who'll be responsible for building a buyer's new home?

Obviously developers don't want to risk losing a potential buyer, so it's perfectly understandable that they'll go to great lengths in order to ensure their display homes are as close to being perfect as possible. Even so, there is simply no question that these homes can go a long way in putting a potential buyer's mind at rest.

Quite often, the developer will also use one of the display units as an onsite sales office, but what happens to these units once the development has been sold out? Once all the allotted properties have been sold, what happens to the show houses?

While not all developers operate in the same way, many of them tend to sell the display houses at a reduced rate. The price reduction might not be that significant, but for a couple purchasing their first home, any saving is better than nothing at all. Also, many developers will sell these units "as is", which means the buyers get all the furniture as well.

Of course, if a particular development proves to be exceptionally popular, the developer will have the upper hand when it comes to selling the display units, and as such, there are occasions when these units actually fetch a higher price than the original asking price.

So, if you've looked at the houses on display, and you've decided you would like to invest in one, should you go ahead and purchase one immediately, or should you wait to see if you can grab one of the display units at a reduced rate?

In all honestly, it's essentially a bit of a gamble. If you wait, you could end up missing out on the home of your dreams. On the other hand, if you are successful, and you do manage to purchase one of the display units, you'll have peace of mind in knowing that the builders would have gone the extra mile in order to ensure the home was built to the highest standards permissible for that particular development.

Buying a home is a major investment, and in fact, it's the biggest investment many people will ever make. It only stands to reason that buyers need to proceed with caution, and it's always advisable for potential buyers to do plenty of research. There's a wealth of information and advice out there, but as is often the case, a lot of it can be misleading.

If you're looking to buy a new home, never allow yourself to be pressured into signing anything. If you have even the slightest doubt, you need to seek professional advice. Also, you need to remember that while display homes can give you a good idea as to what you can expect from builder, they are certainly not a guarantee.

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How To Create A Multifunctional Master Bedroom Closet

In time past, master bedroom closet normally have one door that requires just opening and closing. All you have to do is, open, select you cloths and leave after closing the door. Back then, a modern bedroom cupboard was only meant for holding cloths. Well, with technological advancement, things have changed. Modern bedroom cuddy now serve multiple functions. They have enough space for cloths, furniture, and also a dressing area. Your closet might not be big, but be rest assured that a small closet can have multiple functions also. Today, there are lots of multifunctional closets, and this article will help you choose one that suits your lifestyle.

What Would You Like To Store In Your Closet?:

Your lifestyle, career and financial status determine how big you want your closet to look. If you love accessories and apparels so much, then I guess you might need a big multifunctional closet. Consider your dressing needs, such as space and display, and then strategize how you want your wardrobe the following day. Everyone has their way of buying accessories and clothes; some might start spending immediately they set eyes on materials, while others take their time to choose cloths and accessories to buy. Moreover, as you store your clothes and accessories, you should also create more space for other functions in your wardrobe.

Wardrobe Functions; Which Would You Need?:

Big bedroom pantry is often used by households that include children. Sometimes parents share closets with their smaller children getting ready for school. While other households store cloths, accessories, jewelries and neck ties in order to have an organized bedroom. Everyone has preferences when it comes to choosing the right function a closet will serve. So, knowing what functions you want your closet to serve will help you choose the right one.

How To Create Multiple Functions For A Small Size Bedroom Closet:

Although making a small multifunctional bedroom closet can be challenging, it is definitely a possibility. First, install closet organizers. This will help to arrange you clothing area in a way that suites your lifestyle. You can put a mirror at the back of the closet door, with this you do not need to walk into the closet to dress up. Also you can use a small ottoman with storage capability to store shoes inside your closet when they are not in use. By following this pattern, you will have choosing areas, seating and dressing all in one place.

Decorate Your Closet:

You can add decorative touches to your main bedroom closets. How? Sometimes, family pictures, vases, framed artwork and sculptures can be used to add beauty to your closet. Yes, homeowners find it appealing to retreat their master bedroom and also add some decoration to their master bedroom closet. Why not add baskets, directional lights on artworks, decorative shelves or wall scones to your bedroom closet. These designs can make a master bedroom closet more enjoying.

Are you thinking of getting a bedroom closet? It's very easy, just go through magazines or search various resources online on master bedroom closet for familiarity.

Then think about your lifestyle and how the size and space of your wardrobe can fit in properly. Once your personal lifestyle fits in with you master bedroom closet, you will feel refreshed.

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Here's How to Storm Proof Your Home Now

A home will always need to be protected from the elements. It is really one of the most most basic requirements for any home, especially since when you do that you are also ensuring the protection of those who are living in that home. And since that is one of the basic functions of a home - to shelter from the elements - then it is certainly a must. If your home is not effectively protected from the elements, particularly the harsher seasons, then you have a serious problem in your hands, for sure. Without a doubt, it should be one of your priorities when it comes to matters concerning your home.

You can do something about it, and that's the good news about it, that you could actually storm proof your home. By storm proofing your home, you can effectively protect it from the onslaught and ravages of snow, water, wind, and even intense heat of the summer time. Of course you need to do the storm proofing before any of these come along, to make sure that it'd be effective.

Actually, it might surprise you that some of the steps involve very simple maintenance measures, which is actually a good thing. Here then are some of the tips for storm proofing your home:

For the doors and windows of your home, here's what to do. Install wooden shutters that are easy to handle, meaning it can be closed quickly and easily when the bad weather has arrived. Shatter proof glass panes is best for widow replacements. Weather strips should also be installed around doors and windows, just before the storms hit, helping keep out ice, water, and snow. About taking care of your roof and sidings - you should make inspections when the weather is still relatively good. Check for any loose shingles, and then immediately make the necessary repairs to prepare it for the coming harsh weather. As for the sidings, every loose siding should be put back in place, make use of nails to put it back again. Preparing the interior area of your home is also very important. Glass and objects that are easy to break should be immediately removed from windows when the bad weather starts. For your basement windows, some heavy plastic sheets should be used to cover it up. It will serve to prevent floodwater and the cold winds from easily penetrating your basement. As the storm nears your area, make sure that every single electrical appliances and gadgets should be unplugged. For basements that are easily flooded, the installation of a backflow preventer right in the floor drain should serve to make sure that groundwater is prevented from going back up. Be prepared to pump away water as flood penetrates and builds up in your home. As part of your preparedness measures, always make sure that you have the necessary emergency items that would prove useful to you once the storm and other causes of bad weather hits. Tips For Becoming An Architect   Finding The Right New Home Builders Can Be Challenging   The Importance Of Having House Plans Before You Build   How We Can Be Better Prepared for Cases of Extreme Weather   

Home Extensions and Renovations With a Fresh and Creative Look

If you are getting a renovation or an extension for your home, then this is a perfect opportunity to make your property more creative and more 'you'. When you get an extension you can really make your home into your own, and you can really experiment with different looks and things that you might otherwise not have been able to have. By getting either, you are making your home completely unique and you are making it more than ever into an extension of you and your personality.

The problem though is that many people don't take full advantage of this and don't exploit the opportunity to make something really unique. Instead they'll just make one of their rooms a little longer, or they'll just add on a guest room - which really is a terrible waste. Here then we'll look at some more inspiration for your more creative additions to your home.

Extra Rooms

There are many additional rooms you can get for your home that would be more unique and exciting than just a guest room. For instance if you've always wanted a home gym or a study, then here is your opportunity. Likewise if you want to make a space for a walk-in wardrobe then why not just go ahead and do it? Or you could even make something that only you would want - for instance if you like carpentry then why not have a room for carpentry? If you love sea life then why not have a scenic 'aquarium' type room? Don't be a slave to convention - think about what your dream home would have and then actually build it.

Looking online for inspiration is a great way to come up with ideas for quirky and exciting rooms that you will really use. For your kids you could have a ball pool and some soft shapes and recreate an indoor playground for them, or if you work from home then you could have an office pod - a small glass office that lives at the bottom of your garden and that will give you somewhere to work that's away from the chaos in the home.

Where to Extend

If you are extending or adding rooms then there are lots of different places you can add them. You don't only have to extend into your garden - you can also extend onto your patio at the front or even upwards in order to add an upstairs if you're a bungalow, or to increase the size of the second floor if you have some spare roof. And why not even go one step further and go from a two story house to a three story house? Or at least two story and a loft conversion?

Shape and Layout

Likewise the shape and the layout of your rooms can also be more original than just the standard square or rectangle most people go for. Could you benefit from having doors to the garden and a terrace in your bedroom? Or a small space at the end of the room where you could sit and work at a desk? Speak with your designers and let your imagination fly, you'll be surprised what's possible!

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How We Can Be Better Prepared for Cases of Extreme Weather

Our climate is changing. The weather seems to be taking a turn towards the extreme. That much is clear - and whether the climate change advocates or the non-believers of climate change are correct, does not really matter that much at this point. What matters is that we have just witnessed, and even felt and experienced, what could happen when weather is indeed what could only be described as extreme. And it is not only in our part of the world where it's happening. It is a global event, and it should be the concern of all.

Each individual and every family should learn some basic steps that could be undertaken in order to become better prepared for the arrival of extreme weather - whatever it might bring and whenever it might come. Here then are some of those simple steps:

Be aware beforehand of the kind of extreme weather that it is actually going to come. With the kind of technology being used today, this is not something that can be considered as difficult to do. And having this kind of knowledge allows you to take the necessary steps if it is really needed, and can allow you to relax if there is no real danger or imminent threat. In cases of severe storms, the wise thing to do is to stay within doors. There's really no point in risking your safety by going outside as the severe storm is actually raging on. If you happen to get caught by the storm while you are outdoors, then you need to seek shelter as quickly as possible. Severe lightning usually comes along with those storms, so the danger while you are exposed outside is quite high. Bodies of water and trees should be avoided at all costs. Be sure to always be aware of the latest developments about the weather. Even if the power happens to go out, you have the option of tuning in on the radio to keep yourself informed and thus become prepared. You need to watch out if there are any announcements about the possibility of a tornado. If the case of extreme weather involves very strong winds, then you need to make sure that you are not located near any trees, especially large ones. The winds could blow it down and it could injure anyone who happens to be near. Your shutters at home should be battened down tightly in place in case of extremely strong winds. This can be done through the tightening of each loose bolt. Another option would be to simply remove it all. In case a tornado happens to be approaching, the only thing that you and your family can do is to go to the shelter and stay there. A basement or even a secured room, especially if it has no windows. Only make sure that you have ample supplies (food, medicine, etc.) at hand. You should also be aware of the strength of the approaching tornado, f1 or f2 tornadoes should not do too much damage, but f4 or f5's have the potential to be quite destructive. Tips For Becoming An Architect   Finding The Right New Home Builders Can Be Challenging   The Importance Of Having House Plans Before You Build   How We Can Be Better Prepared for Cases of Extreme Weather   

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